African Revolution 2011

Do you think the ongoing revolutionary attempts and actions in northern Africa will run across the continent to set people free from dictatorships?

It all started in Tunisia with an intensive campaign of civil resistance, including a series of street demonstrations taking place in Tunisia. The events began in December 2010 and led to the ousting of longtime President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali in January 2011. Street demonstrations and other unrest have continued to the present day.

This revolution was widely covered by international media and led to other Revolutions and demonstrations in Egypt, Algeria, Yemen, Libya, Jordan, Bahrain, Iraq, Mauritania, Pakistan and the Ivory coast

The demonstrations were sparked by high unemployment, inflation in food prices, corruption, a lack of freedom of speech and poor living conditions.

The Demonstrations in Tunisia pioneered the current campaigns for change being witnessed in North Africa – Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Algeria, …, in the middle east and also other African countries to a certain extent – Ivory Coast, Uganda, Eritrea, …

We call for Peace and Freedom for Libya to come very soon at this stage!

(People are in the midst of the revolution while we are posting this

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Suggested Reading:

An article from the Daily Monitor, Uganda:

Lessons from popular uprisings in North Africa, published Thursday, February 24 2011 >> and

Al Jazeera: In search of an African revolution, Last Modified: 21 Feb 2011 >>

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