Why Being Odd is Necessary


Alone in a Crowd

In an ever more connected society, both solitude and opportunities can arise in unexpected places. From healthcare to technology, from education to commerce, outside thinkers with novel insights have an unprecedented chance to change our view of the world and how the people within it live. At TEDxAIMS we explored stories of isolation and individualism and of how great ideas are reshaping the ways in which we interact with one another.

The event took place on Sunday, 22nd June, 2014 in Muizenberg, Cape Town

Savannah Nuwagaba at TEDxAIMS 2014
Savannah Nuwagaba | TEDxAIMS

First born child to a mother of five in Uganda. After graduating at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) and completing her master’s degree in Biomathematics at Stellenbosch University, she is currently pursuing her PhD at the same University in the field of Mathematical Modelling of Ecological Systems.


Me, myself and I will remain: Why being odd is necessary

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