The African Social Media Awards – vote now

10449942_1429668550641648_6876102739563700098_nThe Social Media Awards are Africa’s premier awards for social and digital media with nominations spanning four categories and drawn from across the continent.

The Social Media Initiative

Beyond the awards – which serve as a mobilization and awareness sub-platform – we are very much concerned about DEEPENING access to and ENHANCING the use of Social Media for impact; and to facilitate the following:

Clear-cut awareness about the positive impact and risks of Social Media especially to Young People;

Increasing use of Social Media as a network for Terrorism recruitment of young Africans;

Linkages between Social Media and Democratic Governance;

Information governance, use and abuse – plagiarism, piracy, anonymity, integrity and crime sophistication etc.

Spin-Off Initiatives

Social Media Africa First-of-its-kind Weekly eNewsletter and Monthly Digital Magazine dedicated to mapping trends and development in the social media space across the continent.

Social Media Africa Institute

This premier virtual institution will focus on providing relevant, hands-on training on social media and other internet-related skills.

Social Media Africa Summit

An annual convergence of the continent’s leading minds in virtual businesses, development initiatives and innovation.

Cyber-Safety Tours

Youth-targeted intervention to increase awareness on cyber crimes and inculcate the positive uses of social media


Prizes include but are not limited to:

  • 1,000 USD CASH
  • SMAA Plaque
  • Relevant Social Media Training
  • Subscriptions to and Gifts of Social Media Publications
  • Access to key memberships, development opportunities and events across the continent
  • Complimentary advertising on SM Africa Portal and SM Africa Magazine
  • Mentorship Opportunities and Professional Coaching benefits


Development Diaries Ltd/GTE is a Pan-African media-for-development (Media4D) initiative, primarily providing objective analysis of social development and media trends in Africa, while giving global access to Africa’s media development data and news.

Our media channels include: A Quarterly Journal; Dynamic online portal, which serves as a central information hub for the Development Sector in Africa (@Dev_Diaries, Development Diaries) and Development Diaries Virtual: available to over 100 million smartphone global smartphone users via PressReadersTM app.

The SMAA Project Team consists of astute professionals which have been responsible for founding and growing brands such as: The Future Awards, ESQ Nigerian Legal Awards, Africa Movie Academy Awards (AMAAs), Africa CEO Round-table & Conference on Corporate Sustainability & Responsibility (AR-CSR), amongst many other continental brands.


The Awards

Personality-based awards

For individual achievement in social media

Blogger of the year – Social Media Personality of the Year – Social Media Hero

Platform awards

Specific social platforms

Facebook Page of the Year – Twitter Handle of the Year – Influencer of the Year (LinkedIn, YouTube, Google Plus, Instagram)

Personality-based awards

For individual achievement in social media

Blogger of the year – Social Media Personality of the Year – Social Media Hero

Institutional awards

Indigenous awards

Local campaigns and brands

App of the Year – Hashtag of the Year – Brand of the Year – Best Rated Platform

Contact – @sma_africa –


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