Science face2face with Faculti


Faculti is a digital educational platform for research news and information.


Science communication encompasses a.o. poster presentations, paper submissions to journals, research briefs on your institutional website and potentially also video interviews. The video format gives you the opportunity of talking about your research to a broad audience, to colleagues internationally, to the public, to government representatives and many more. It also offers a way to pass on information that is very close to traditional story-telling.
logo2Faculti aims to provide an accessible and digital educational platform for the public to access research news and information. Founded in London and inspired by the confirmation of the Higgs Boson particle in March 2013, Faculti contacted Professor John Ellis, the Clerk Maxwell Professor of Theoretical Physics at King’s College London, about making a short film of the ground breaking news. The Higgs discovery has been called monumental because it confirms the existence of the Higgs field, pivotal to the Standard Model of particle physics. Professor Ellis’ enthusiasm for the platform and support led to the first Faculti film. 600 films, podcasts and events later, the platform has received over 7 million hits and hosts content from the world’s leading academics and institutions, including Thomas Piketty, Noam Chomsky and Steven Pinker.

Faculti calls upon African academic institutions and professionals to record and upload their profiles on the Faculti platform.

If you are interested in taking this opportunity, you can contact us at or explore opportunities directly with the Faculti team. On their platform, you can create a free profile and upload videos, podcasts and news


Atta Barkindo, School of Oriental and African Studies, London: Boko Haram (2013)

Under the Shadow of Impunity: The Politics of Transitional Justice and Political Violence in North-Eastern Nigeriav


Dr. Lucy Duran, School of Oriental and African Studies, London entitled Poyi! Bamana jeli music, Mali, and the blues (2013)



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