IT’S IN YOUR HANDS – Inspiring Change through Design with the ABURY Design Experience

ABURY and Harper’s Bazaar Germany proudly present a unique “Open Call” to emerging international designers to preserve world crafts and culture. The ABURY Design Experience (ADEx) is the first international contest in search for emerging designers to create an accessory capsule collection using traditional crafts knowledge from different cultures. Winners (2) will be receiving a…

The Education of Auma Obama – A documentary film by Branwen Okpako

This is a follow up on one of our previous postings on the African Movie Academy Awards 2012, where we cross-posted the results of the winning films. We are here highlighting the winning Diaspora Documentary by Branwen Okpako: “The Education of Auma Obama”. Auma Obama has always been an activist for social justice and especially towards…

So what about Tribalism? – Interviews with Juliani and Emmanuel Jal

Earlier this week, two team members of African Perspectives were priviledged to meet and talk to Sudanese former child soldier and now internationally renown Hip Hop artist Emmanuel Jal as well as the Kenyan Hip Hop artist Juliani. Read below what Emmanuel and Juliani would like to share with you:

LIBERIA: Saving Mothers’ Lives

In Liberia, two decades of on-again off-again civil war destroyed basic infrastructure like roads, public transportation, and health facilities. Most people live far below the poverty line and while the country is slowly improving since peace came in 2003, it has a long way to go before women get adequate health care. Currently, Liberia has…

Women’s Leadership in Africa feat. Michelle Obama

On 21 and 22 June, US First Lady Michelle Obama visited Jo’burg and Soweto in South Africa to talk and take part at The Young African Women Leaders Forum: Media coverage in and across Africa was quite decent, but whoever expected coverage in the main US newspapers or other western media was left with not…