So what about Tribalism? – Interviews with Juliani and Emmanuel Jal

Earlier this week, two team members of African Perspectives were priviledged to meet and talk to Sudanese former child soldier and now internationally renown Hip Hop artist Emmanuel Jal as well as the Kenyan Hip Hop artist Juliani. Read below what Emmanuel and Juliani would like to share with you:

African Spice to MOVE ON UP

On her album “Õÿö”, Angélique Kidjo – music artist from Benin – spiced up the Curtis Mayfield  Song “Move On Up” from the 70’s, together with Bono (U2 lead singer) and John Legend: Find the lyrics of this version on Angélique Kidjohas been a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador since 2002.

Happy Mother’s Day 2011

A mother is not a person to lean on, but a person to make leaning unnecessary! Happy Mothers day to all the Mums out there….and thanking my mum for bringing me into this world! Hubert Nakitare, better known as Nonini is one of Kenya’s most famous Urban Music Artistes. The Godfather of Genge (Mass Music),…

Hello world, this is Africa!

On this blog, we provide you with another forum for African Perspectives additionally to the one on facebook. African Perspectives gives you a wide array of African Art, Music, the Diversity of Cultures, Fashion, Innovations, Politics and much more … Our aim is to broadly showcase the enormous potential and capacity thriving on the continent. Join…